
When to Pivot: How to Use Data to Change Your Roadmap

Broader market implications are changing the need to understand how your users are interacting with your product at a rapid pace. Still, product managers are asked to provide a roadmap that reflects the next six months (or even the next year), even though a variety of factors can impact what users need from the product at any given moment.

In reality, the product roadmap shouldn’t be thought of as a stagnant asset. PMs should always be re-evaluating and adjusting what’s planned, balancing our customers’ immediate and long-term needs. By leveraging usage data and market insights PMs can better ensure they are building products and features that best serve your customers right now.

Join Erica Akroyd and Eric Iwashita, two product managers at Pendo, as they deep-dive into the tactics that they use when evaluating their roadmaps. In this webinar we will discuss:

  • When to narrow in on feature usage
  • What account and visitor-level metrics really matter
  • When do you have enough data to change your roadmap?

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