The Big NPS Playbook

“NPS Everything!” This was one of the headline trends called out in Bessemer’s 2017 State of the Cloud Report1. The report pointed to the fact that more and more SaaS companies are using the Net Promoter System as a key indicator of customer satisfaction and growth potential. Digital companies aren’t alone in this. Over two-thirds of the Fortune 1000 use NPS as part of their customer feedback programs2.

Feeling left behind? Don’t worry – there’s a big difference between using NPS and using it well. Many companies are still figuring out how best to capture NPS feedback, and put together complete programs that leverage feedback to improve their products and customer experience. NPS is a journey – one that often begins in fits and starts.

This playbook starts at 0. It walks through the NPS basics, and a step by step approach you can follow to build a mature NPS program in your organization. NPS is especially valuable to digital product companies because of the ease with which surveys can be deployed in-app, and how NPS scores can be paired with usage and customer data for incredibly detailed insights into your product(s). We’ll show you how to capture and leverage some of these measurements as well.


1 State of the Cloud Report, Bessemer Venture Partners, 2017
2 The Inventor of Customer Satisfaction Surveys is Sick of Them Too, Bloomberg, 2016

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