The BIG book of mobile in-app messaging


Using in-app messages to perfect your mobile app experience

What do submitting an expense report, tracking a package, and ordering takeout all have in common? They can all be done with a swipe or click in a mobile application.

While it’s convenient for users that there’s a mobile app for nearly every task they need to complete, the pressure is on for companies to deliver seamless, intuitive, and delightful experiences inside these applications. When an app is clunky or difficult to use, it’s easy for people to quickly leave (or even delete it), move on, and find an alternative.

Aside from building a great product in the first place, there are things you can do to improve the way users experience your mobile app—and it all starts with communication.

Instead of sending customers emails or newsletters with tips and updates about your app, why not deliver these messages inside the app itself? By delivering in-app communication that is in context and relates to what the user is doing, you’re able to create a delightful experience that is genuinely valuable. For example, what better way to welcome new users than with a guided walkthrough of the app that highlights the key features they should know about?

When it comes to in-app messaging, the possibilities are near endless. This guide features six of the most common use cases for mobile in-app guides with examples and best practice for each. Use it as inspiration, pick and choose the methods that make sense for your business, and, above all, think through how you can create a better experience for your mobile users.

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