Marketing teams use Pendo to drive more qualified leads and retain more revenue
Pendo’s all-in-one platform helps marketing teams
Fidélisation de plus de clients
Use your product to retain customers and expand accounts with less effort (and less manual work).
Drive efficient growth
Reduce costs associated with growth by using your product to warm leads and drive upsells.
Do more
with less
Increase return on marketing efforts by turning your product into a key communication channel.
Visualize how Pendo can help you retain customers
See how much your company could save by reducing churn with Pendo
Marketing teams use Pendo to
Launch products and drive adoption with personalized in-app announcements. Build efficient, automated expansion campaigns directly in-app, targeted to key segments. Build customer advocates and inform positioning with Pendo product usage data

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Des solutions pour des entreprises de toutes tailles
Des forfaits personnalisés et simples pour une solution Pendo adaptée à vos besoins.
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