Nouveautés Pendo
Your place to learn about new releases, join interest lists, or get started with new features right in Pendo.
En savoir plus
What’s coming
Check out what's in beta and join interest lists to receive updates on our upcoming releases.
Want more specifics on what’s new and where Pendo is going next?
Watch the recording of our most recent quarterly customer forum, hosted by Pendo Founder and CEO Todd Olson. Available to Pendo customers only.
New releases
Jump right into Pendo to get started with newly released capabilities.
Product Analytics Certification Course
Uplevel your data skills with our brand new Product Analytics Certification Course—it’s free for a limited time.
Voyez par vous-même
Adoptez Pendo et découvrez ce que nous pouvons apporter à votre entreprise.
Des solutions pour des entreprises de toutes tailles
Des forfaits personnalisés et simples pour une solution Pendo adaptée à vos besoins.
Voir les tarifs